Watch D.O.G.S

Watch D.O.G.S

Watch DOGS (Dads of Great Students) is a national, innovative program focusing on education and safety in schools by using the positive influence of fathers and father-figures for a two-fold purpose:

      1) To provide positive male role models for the students, demonstrating by their presence that education is important.

      2) To provide extra sets of eyes and ears to enhance school security and reduce bullying. 


We invite fathers and father figures to volunteer one full day, over the course of the school year, to work with the teachers at Lubbock-Cooper Central Elementary.  The primary focus will always be geared for each father to make a positive connection with his own son or daughter, but the need for interaction with the entire student body as a whole is also vital.  


The 2014-2015 school year was the inaugural year for Watch DOGS at Lubbock-Cooper Central Elementary.  Some of the comments made by Watch D.O.G.S when asked about the highlight of the experience were:

      -“Being thanked by a teacher for a special moment I spent reading with a student who was struggling with reading.”

      -”The positive interaction with the students and in how they looked forward to a watch dog being in their class.”

      -“Hearing ‘Watch DOG’ shouted about 10 million times”

      -”The smiles on the kids’ faces and how excited everyone was for us to be here and how proud my daughter was that her dad is a WatchDOG.”


 To be a WATCH DOG at Lubbock-Cooper Central,

  1. Registration forms need to be filled in (link below)

  2. Get a the national Watch Dog uniform t-shirt $15 for short sleeved; $22 for long sleeved (available in the office)

  3. Choose a date that is open and available on the Watch DOGS online calendar; the link will be emailed to you once you register.

  4. Have your driver’s license ready to be scanned in Central Elementary’s office the day you volunteer



Contact Rick Overman with questions either by phone (806) 438-7601 or by email


Registration Form: